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The GRIP-Birkman

The GRIP-Birkman is a behavioral and spiritual gifts assessment looking at three primary questions:  Where am I strong? Where am I weak? and Who do I need? This in-depth tool provides new insight into how your natural behavior interacts with the supernatural empowerment of God. This assessment focuses on how you can powerfully play your God-designed role in the Body of Christ most effectively.

The GRIP-Birkman’s Unique pull-apart process allows for separating the natural behaviors (the Birkman Method®) from the supernatural or Spiritual Gifts (Your Leadership GRIP). What is a natural ability, and what is a Spiritual Gift? Why is understanding the difference important?

The GRIP-Birkman helps people hone in on their primary three or four Spiritual Gifts and asks the questions, “Where has God made you powerful?” and “Where have you experienced God’s power?”

As you process your and your team’s GRIP-Birkman, you will be invited to give a sober estimation by unpacking Romans 12:3, where we are called to sober judgment of who God truly designed us to be. The GRIP-Birkman coaching experience will enable you to go deeper in understanding who you are naturally from birth and how you are powerfully gifted. “Who am I naturally, and who has God empowered me to be supernaturally?”

Many Christians have difficulty moving beyond their individualized priorities into a meaningful community or body life. The GRIP-Birkman helps you and your team ask three powerful questions: “Where are you powerful?” “How are you weak?” “Who do you need?”

Online Assessment, 1-hour conversation: $200

The Leadership GRIP-Birkman “Blueprint” resource can be used for…

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