
The best leader is the self-aware leader.

Cultivate your leadership journey with Missional Coaching’s comprehensive assessments1 and personalized coaching, where the transformative power of self-awareness becomes the fertile soil for your growth. Delving into the intricacies of your strengths, tendencies, and potential areas of growth, our approach serves as the nurturing greenhouse where leadership excellence takes root. This heightened self-awareness acts as the sunlight that fuels your journey, empowering you to make informed decisions, navigate challenges with resilience, and authentically connect with your team. Just as a skilled gardener tends to each plant with precision, we guide you in cultivating your unique leadership bouquet, fostering an environment where your capabilities can blossom. Embark on this transformative journey with us, where the cultivation of self-discovery is the key to flourishing leadership.

Missional Coaching uses these assessments:

  • CliftonStrengths (Strengths Finder)
  • 16Personalities (Myers-Briggs)
  • Grip-Birkman
  • Working Genius
  • APEST (5Q)

Scroll down for descriptions of each assessment.

For further details or to schedule an assessment, schedule a consultation today.

Assessments for Leadership Excellence

CliftonStrengths (Strengths Finder)

  • Assessment Summary:
    • CliftonStrengths measures an individual’s natural talents and categorizes them into 34 distinct themes across four domains: Executing, Influencing, Relationship Building, and Strategic Thinking. Results provide a ranked list of the individual’s top strengths within these domains.
  • Benefits for Individual Leaders:
    • Leaders gain deep self-awareness by understanding their dominant strengths within the domains. This knowledge enables them to leverage these talents for enhanced decision-making, problem-solving, and overall leadership effectiveness.
  • Team Benefit:
    • By aligning team members based on their individual strengths within the four domains, CliftonStrengths fosters a collaborative environment where each member contributes their unique abilities. This alignment maximizes team productivity and effectiveness.

16Personalities (Myers-Briggs)

  • Assessment Summary:
    • The 16Personalities (Myers-Briggs) assessment categorizes individuals into one of 16 personality types using a five-letter code that includes preferences for Extraversion/Introversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving. The fifth letter represents a dimension of identity, such as Turbulent (T) or Assertive (A). Results offer insights into how individuals perceive the world, make decisions, and interact with others.
  • Benefits for Individual Leaders:
    • Leaders gain a nuanced understanding of their personality preferences through a five-letter code, including the fifth letter representing their identity dimension (Turbulent or Assertive). This comprehensive insight enhances self-awareness and informs decision-making, helping leaders adapt their styles and navigate challenges effectively.
  • Team Benefit:
    • Understanding team members’ five-letter personality codes, including the fifth letter, facilitates improved communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution. 16Personalities (Myers-Briggs) promotes a harmonious team dynamic by recognizing and valuing diverse approaches to work, including individual identity dimensions.


  • Assessment Summary:
    • Grip-Birkman assesses an individual’s behavior, interests, needs, and stress response, providing insights into their strengths, motivations, and potential stress triggers. The assessment results are presented in a comprehensive report that includes:
      • Behavioral Profile: Describes interpersonal style and behavioral strengths.
      • Interests Profile: Outlines preferences for activities and environments.
      • Needs Analysis: Highlights work and interpersonal needs for satisfaction.
      • Stress Insights: Details stress response mechanisms with practical management strategies.
  • Benefits for Individual Leaders:
    • Leaders gain insights into their behavioral patterns, career interests, and stress triggers, enabling informed decision-making and personalized development plans. Grip-Birkman empowers leaders to align their career choices with their unique profile.
  • Team Benefit:
    • By understanding the diverse behavioral styles and stress responses within a team, Grip-Birkman promotes effective collaboration and conflict resolution. It equips teams with the knowledge to navigate challenges while maintaining a supportive and resilient culture.

Working Genius

  • Assessment Summary:
    • The Working Genius assessment identifies an individual’s natural gifts by assessing how different aspects of work, categorized into six types (Wonder, Invention, Discernment, Galvanizing, Enablement, and Tenacity), either energize or deplete them. It provides a quick and simple way to discover your innate strengths and areas of working frustration.
  • Benefits for Individual Leaders:
    • Leaders gain detailed insights into their Working Geniuses, Working Competencies, and areas of Working Frustration. This knowledge allows them to align their natural gifts with tasks, fostering personal and professional growth and minimizing frustration in the workplace.
  • Team Benefit:
    • By understanding the six fundamental activities of work as identified by the Working Genius model, teams gain a transformative tool that goes beyond traditional personality assessments. The assessment not only helps individuals thrive in their preferred type of work but also provides teams with a practical framework to enhance their dynamics, streamline projects, optimize meetings, and even make more informed hiring decisions. Working Genius is a unique blend of a personality assessment and a productivity tool, simplifying the discovery of individual and collective gifts, and ultimately transforming the way teams collaborate and succeed.


  • Assessment Summary:
    • The APEST assessment, grounded in Ephesians 4:11-13, identifies fivefold ministry gifts: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd, and Teacher. It evaluates how individuals express these gifts in their leadership and ministry roles, providing insights into their natural inclinations and contributions within a team or organization.
  • Benefits for Individual Leaders:
    • Self-Awareness: Leaders gain a clear understanding of their primary and secondary ministry gifts, allowing them to align their roles and responsibilities with their innate strengths.
    • Role Optimization: By identifying their APEST profile, leaders can focus on areas where they are most effective and fulfilled, enhancing their leadership impact and personal satisfaction.
    • Growth and Development: The assessment highlights areas for growth and offers guidance on how to develop lesser-used gifts, promoting a well-rounded leadership approach.
  • Team Benefit
    • Balanced Team Dynamics: Understanding the APEST profiles of team members ensures a balanced representation of all five ministry gifts, fostering a comprehensive and effective ministry approach.
    • Enhanced Collaboration: Teams can leverage each member’s unique strengths, improving collaboration and synergy. This diversity of gifts leads to innovative solutions and a holistic approach to ministry challenges.
    • Strategic Planning: The APEST model aids in strategic planning by ensuring that all essential aspects of ministry are covered, from visionary leadership and prophetic insight to pastoral care and teaching. This holistic strategy enhances the team or organization’s overall effectiveness and mission fulfillment.

Why These Five Assessments?

Missional Coaching has deliberately chosen these five assessments for a comprehensive and adaptable approach to leadership development. These assessments provide in-depth insights into individuals’ strengths, personality preferences, behavior, interests, needs, stress responses, and ministry gifts. Their versatility allows for the implementation of personalized coaching strategies and a holistic understanding of team dynamics. The practical application of assessments like Grip-Birkman and Working Genius aligns directly with our aim to deliver transformative coaching experiences. The flexibility of these assessments helps to develop transformational leaders who can align their strengths and values within their leadership roles. This deliberate selection, including the APEST assessment, reflects Missional Coaching’s commitment to enhancing a leader’s self-awareness, communication skills, collaborative leadership, and spiritual alignment in ministry.

Why Choose Missional Coaching for Assessments?

  • Tailored Coaching Approach:
    • We understand the unique challenges faced by leaders in faith-based organizations. Our coaching is tailored to align with the values and mission of your organization.
  • Proven Results:
    • Our approach has consistently yielded positive results for pastors and leaders in churches and faith-based non-profit organizations.
  1. Disclaimer: Missional Coaching utilizes assessments such as 5Q, CliftonStrengths (Strengths Finder), and Working Genius as part of our coaching services. It’s important to note that while our team has extensive experience with these tools and has studied their methodologies, we are not licensed or endorsed by 5Q, Gallup (CliftonStrengths) or The Table Group (Working Genius). Our coaching services are focused on helping individuals and teams understand and implement the results of these assessments in their unique contexts. Any reference to these tools and their respective organizations is for informational purposes, and the insights gained are integrated into our tailored coaching approach. Clients engaging in coaching with Missional Coaching should be aware that our services are independent of the official certification or endorsement from these organizations. If you have specific questions about the tools themselves, we encourage you to reach out directly to Gallup or The Table Group for official guidance. ↩︎